Are you familiar with our client ISUA Leuna GmbH? The company is a well-known laboratory for mineral-oil and environmental analysis at Chemical Site Leuna, and was founded in 1996 as an engineering company with an in-house laboratory. Since then, the laboratory equipment has seen constant investment, allowing the company to provide a wide range of services to the highest standards.
The respective operator can simply enter analysis results into a dedicated field. Each member of staff is notified via the built-in reporting system if irregularities are already noticed in samples at the time of receipt. The sampler can also use a smartphone to report abnormalities in the sample directly to the laboratory information management system. The LIMS automatically converts the compiled test order into an input field for the analysis results. Each test, e.g. in relation to heavy metals, and each analysis device can be called up individually by the laboratory worker. This guarantees the best possible overview even with complex test orders. In the course of this, it is possible to create testing groups with – in theory – infinite numbers of parameters. These can be created for the test order with a single click of the mouse. The laboratory sees the parameters to be analysed and enters the corresponding measurements directly into the LIMS. But that’s not all: limit values can be stored individually for the respective test procedure. When a test order is completed, the laboratory manager receives a corresponding notification. Verification is then carried out according to the four-eye principle and the certificate is compiled. This too is carried out by the laboratory information management system. The certificate is provided with an electronic signature and then sent to the customer by email.
ISUA Leuna GmbH works very successfully with its LIMS from vonKampenSystems. What can we do for you?